Paul Fox Commercial


t: 01724 870520
f: 01724 870532
e: [email protected]
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597 sq ft (55.72 sq m)
  • New Rossington is a popular and densely populated area a short distance to the south of Doncaster.
  • New Rossington has its own industry, retail, schooling and facilities.
  • Neighbourhood retail parade with conveniences store and takeaway.
  • Forecourt parking.
  • Guide rent £7,000 per annum
  • The closing date for Tenders is 12 noon 11th March 2024.
  The unit is situated approximately 4.5 miles to the south of Doncaster town centre. Doncaster has a resident population of approximately 320,000 with industry, retail and amenities commensurate with its size. Doncaster also has major transport links via the M18 and A1M to the M1 and M62 along with being on the eastern railway line. New Rossington has convenient access to the M18 at St Catherines interchange with this area having seen major development of the last few years including Amazon, Woodland Group and GEVA Logistics Limited etc. New Rossington has a population of 14,000 with schooling, retail, established industry and social facilities. The unit is located to the south west of New Rossington within a neighbourhood shopping parade which includes a convenience store and takeaway with forecourt parking.
  End terrace with projecting canopy. Ground floor shop unit with aluminium shop front with full depth display windows. Side single entrance door. Solid floors. Walls are largely plaster and emulsion with areas of wallpaper. Comprises of full width retail area. Separate office/sales area. Large walkway suitable for further retail or storage, rear door. Kitchen and WC accommodation. Front forecourt parking. Enclosed shared fenced yard for the use all units and the flats above. The yard has rear access.
Description sq ft sq m
Retail 310 28.89
Retail/office 125 11.70
Wide corridor/retail 113 10.54
Kitchen 49 4.59
Shared yard
Total 597 55.72
  The property is listed as shop and premises with a rateable value of £3,450 pa. It is possible that an occupier may qualify for exemption to the payment of business rates under the small business rate relief scheme. Interest parties should make their own enquiries to the Rating Authority to verify the current rating liability.
  Electricity, gas, water and drainage are understood to be connected to the subject property. Electric wall mounted heater. Services have not been tested and prospective occupiers are advised to check the adequacy of the supply for their intended use. EPC E112.
Disposal Terms:  
  The premises will be put out to tender with tender forms being available from Paul Fox Commercial email: [email protected] or telephone 01724 870520. The closing date for tenders is 12 noon Monday the 11th March 2024. The premises are available by way of an occupational lease with the guide rent being £7.000 per annum. Whilst a guide rent is quoted it is up to individual parties to consider the maximum rent, they are prepared to pay for the unit which may be higher than the guide rent. This figure should be included within the tender as well as the length of lease required. There will be two block viewings for this property on Wednesday 28th February 2024 from 3.30pm to 3.50pm and the second one will be on Wednesday 6th March 2024 from 3.30pm to 3.50pm.
  Viewing is strictly by appointment with the agent. Please contact the Scunthorpe office on 01724 870520 to arrange a viewing.
Google Map:  
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Conditions under which particulars are issued: Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial - for themselves and for their vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that: i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of the intending purchaser or lessees and do not constitute, or constitute part of an offer or contract; ii) all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith but without responsibility on the part of the vendor, lessor, Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial or their employees. Any intending purchaser or lessee should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; iii) no person in the employment of Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial, has any authority to make or give representations or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property; iv) all rentals and prices are quoted exclusive of VAT; v) Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial will not be liable, in negligence or otherwise for any loss arising from the use of these particulars.

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