FOR SALE: £99,950
1035 sq ft (96.46 sq m)
- Popular neighbourhood location.
- Densely populated residential area surrounding.
- Ground floor unit with wide frontage.
- Approx. 93.46 sqm 1035 sq ft.
- Consists of retail, office and storage.
The subject property is situated in Scunthorpe which is the commercial centre of North Lincolnshire. Scunthorpe has a resident population of approximately 75,000 with industry, retail and amenities commensurate with its size.
The subject property is situated towards the southern side of Scunthorpe which over the last 40 years has seen the main expansion of Scunthorpe from a residential point of view. The surrounding area has been developed for residential largely in the form of detached and semi-detached properties.
The subject property is situated within a neighbourhood precinct with retailers and social facilities all in close proximity and include convenience store and restaurant with opposite a major GP surgery and pharmacy.
This single storey unit is constructed in traditional materials beneath a flat roof, wide frontage with two roller shutters doors. Single entrance door and display windows.
The unit up until very recently has been used for a pharmacy. Main retail area slightly L shaped with offices and storage areas. WC and rear access. Areas with false ceiling and inset lighting grid. Plaster and emulsion walls.
sq ft
sq m
77.86 |
4.40 |
Storage 1
2.00 |
Storage 2
3.60 |
Storage 3
8.60 |
WC accommodation
The property is listed as shop and premises with a rateable value of £7,600 pa. It is possible that an occupier may qualify for 100% exemption to the payment of business rates under the small business rate relief scheme. Interest parties should make their own enquiries to the Rating Authority to verify the current rating liability.
We understand that electricity, water and drainage are available to the subject property along with air handling system. Services have not been tested and prospective occupiers are advised to check the adequacy of the supply for their intended use. EPC E 102.
Disposal Terms:
The subject property is offered on a freehold basis with vacant possession being given on completion.
Viewing is strictly by appointment with the agent. Please contact the Scunthorpe office on 01724 870520 to arrange a viewing.
Google Map:
Google Street View:
Conditions under which particulars are issued: Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial - for themselves and for their vendors or lessors
of this property whose agents they are give notice that: i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of the intending purchaser
or lessees and do not constitute, or constitute part of an offer or contract; ii) all descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation
and other details are given in good faith but without responsibility on the part of the vendor, lessor, Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial or their employees. Any
intending purchaser or lessee should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; iii) no
person in the employment of Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial, has any authority to make or give representations or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property; iv) all
rentals and prices are quoted exclusive of VAT; v) Fox Knight (Commercial) Ltd trading as Paul Fox Commercial will not be liable, in negligence or otherwise for any loss arising from the use of
these particulars.